
Q: Why did the auction extend by a minute?

When the transaction of a placed bid goes through in the last few seconds, the auction adds another minute.

Q: I didn’t win, do I get my bid back?

All unsuccessful bids are returned to bidders in full, minus gas. These show up in your internal transactions. The txn for the bid directly above yours is used to return your bid amount.

Q: Why has the auction stopped?

Once an auction is complete, it waits for someone to settle it, which kicks off the next auction. A new auction doesn’t begin until someone settles the previous one.

Q: What does settling an auction do?

Settling sends the Lil Noun to the winner of the auction and kicks off the next auction.

Q: Does it cost money to settle?

Settling is free, only costs gas.

Q: Who/what is the Lil Aardvark that pops up as soon as a new auction starts?

Aardvark lil noun (background: 0, head: 0, body: 0, accessory: 0, glasses: 0) is the placeholder Lil Noun that flashes until fresh Lil Noun attributes are fetched from eth mint block. He's pretty cool - hopefully he decides to stick around one auction.