Lil Nouns launched just under 3 months ago as a protocol aimed at exposing the world to all things Nounish. The appetite for all things Nounish, and the magical community that formed around that mission quickly became apparent.
Witnessing the excitement in community members and the energy they put into initiatives for the DAO is inspiring. This is a magical feature of DAOs, especially a Nounish one. But like most DAOs, things can get hectic when hundreds or even thousands of members are trying to coordinate. Ideas get lost in threads, discussions lose momentum and cognitive overload discourages new members from becoming active ones.
To solve this, we’re building Prop Lot: a token weighted bulletin board for ideas. Instead of starting a thread in Discord to share your idea, you can simply submit it to Prop Lot using your Lil Noun. Members can then upvote or downvote your idea based on the number of Lil Nouns they hold. The ideas most favored by the DAO will rise to the top.
Prop Lot is the MVP of a trustless solution aimed at increasing a DAO’s productivity as it scales. It is the first in a series of experimental builds we’re working on at Lil Nouns, each of which work towards one goal: having zero layers between anyone in the world and the ability to participate in on-chain activities.
We expect Prop Lot to be the first action someone takes when entering the community, and the first step to becoming Nounish.
Here are some ways communities can use Prop Lot: